Dec 022010
Shredding the laptop

Shredding the laptop

Greg “Girl Talk” Gillis released his latest album (mix tape),  All Day, as a free download. It is meant to be listened to as one continuous track, but you have the option of downloading it parsed into individual songs. He brings the party as usual. I was actually listening to this at work and nearly took my shirt off and started drinking beer (that’s how I roll) because it’s so damn infectious.  I have a “thing” for good mash-ups and GT is King. He goes beyond pairing a classic rock song with a hip hop beat. He sort of crafts a series of songs within songs that match the short attention span of the modern human. The novelty doesn’t get old because each tune evolves, switching gears several times throughout. “On and On” boasts a seamless pastiche of Cream, Notorious B.I.G, New Order, White Zombie, and U2 among about a dozen threads of melody  and is one of many standouts. So turn it up and take your top off. Woo!

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Download Girl Talk’s All Day here.

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